Oh hey, 2013. 2012 went out like a lion, with 15+ people shoved into my apartment dancing up a storm and drinking a crazy amount of (mainly cheapo) champagne. So far I've made no resolutions, and am not sure that I ever will. My birthday is right before the New Year, and I make candle-blowing wishes which seem as about as effective as declaring that I'm going to completely change my life this year month. With the freedom of living resolution-free this past week I have managed to "accomplish" all sorts of things...like already messing up my sleep schedule, possibly having an ear infection (also haven't managed to drag myself to the doctor), and watching/streaming "Thrift Shop" so.many.times.
Sure, there are things I'd like to do this year, which are basically the same things I wanted to do last year and failed to do (like visiting my friends in DC or writing in this blog like, ever). Plus, this year is 5 year college reunion -- how did that happen?? errr, maybe I do need resolutions... I'll get back to you on that.